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Перевод Примеры
КрЫсы покидЗют тонущий корабль // Трусы Или недостойные лЮди покидают своИх друзей (Общее дело, своЮ страну) в тяжёлые времена крИзиса, испытаний Или опасности.

"You have brought, I see, sir," he said, turning around towards Martin, and resting his chin on the top of his stick, "the usual amount of misery and poverty and ignorance and crime, to Ье located in the bosom of the great Republic. Well, sir ! let 'em come on in ship-loads from the old country. When vessels are about to founder, the rats are said to leave 'em. There is considerable amount of truth, I find, in that remark." (Dickens)

"Уou seem to have drawn yourselves into the limelight, which is а thing 1 prefer to shun." "Sounds Iike а c:ase of rats and а sinking sЬip," put in Voles, upon whom Menton immediately turned. "Don't Ье а fool," he snapped. "There is no question of а sinking ship if we steer а sensible course." "And there's no question of me following а rat's tendencies, either," said Burnham. (Queux)

"I wasn't directing it for comedy. The objective was to get you out of there. On that score it succeeded." "And sinking а ship drowns the rats, if you call that success. Go ahead, laugh." (McGm)